Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Crazy Family


Let's get this blog started!  First a little about my family and I...There are 4 (lovely at times) children who are currently 19, 17, 15 and 7 (Lord help us!). We affectionately call them brat 1, brat 2, brat 3 and brat 4.  And they answer to this!  Brats 1,2  and 4 are biologically mine and brat 3 is biologically my husband's.  He adopted my 3, so he is the father of all 4.  Brat 3 lives between the 2 houses...confused yet?  

The oldest (brat 1) is the only girl and this first to test my patience at the most inopportune times. And yes, I see a lot of me in her.  I have the desire to call my mother often and apologize for any issues I might have caused her.  Then of course I come to my senses!  If the "I hope you have a child who acts even worse than you" curse was placed upon me, it just makes me wonder what terrible things my mother might have done, lol.  I was not a perfect child, but I was not a terrible kid either.  I know I gave my momma a run for the money at times, lol.

Brat 1 has graduated high school, pissed away 2 semesters at a local community college and is struggling to find her place in this world.  She will VERY soon be a 5 YEAR CHILDHOOD CANCER SURVIVOR! :) She is a free spirit and I believe born in the wrong decade.  I could so see her striving in the 60's, lol.  She has a heart of gold and loves to advocate for childhood cancer.  But lately she seems to have an obstructed view on life and how it works. Hopefully she will figure it out soon!  She has worked barely part time since graduation and has seemed to have lost her motivation.  I know she left it around the house somewhere, but damned if we can find it!  The search continues!

Brat 2 is soon approaching his high school graduation, just about 4 months away!  He has several ideas for life after graduation, but has not made up his mind which path he will walk down yet.  He is the kid to usually give us the least amount of grief.  He is a gamer and has recently started to discover there is a life outside of the house and his PS3.  Brat 3 is the silent type until he gets to know you, and he has also been dubbed the class clown.  He is in "training" with dad to get his license, (since kids driving scare the hell out of Mom!).  He is having his best year ever with grades and I could kick him in the rear for not getting these good of grades earlier! But not much I can do about it now, just going to be happy they are good!  

Brat 3 is currently not speaking to us, and I would need an entire blog to tell you the whole story. To sum it up, he views us as strict and it seems his mother lets him do pretty much as he pleases.  So yes, that means we are not that strict, we just don't allow free reign, lol. What would you choose if you could at that age?  He is lacking in the respect department and that does not go over well at our house.  He is a work in progress and hopefully we can get him on the right track in life.  It is tough knowing they are going down hill and you can't do what you want to do to fix it.  It is hard when you and the other parent disagree on what is right and wrong and just how to raise them.  Wish us luck, we want the best for him!

And then there is Brat 4...there are so many ways to describe this child, hmmmm...where to begin?  Well, he is considerably younger then his siblings.  I like to think of him as a sponge.  He is observant, he soaks it all in.  He is not often shy and pretty witty for a 7 year old.  His comic stylings are coming along, but it is often his normal everyday actions/questions/responses that are the most funny.  He very much has a little of each siblings personality in him.  He strives to be like his dad and is not afraid to try new things.  There is not a veggie he won't eat, a spot on him that cannot be tickled, or a joke he won't laugh at.  He likes school and excels with every aspect of it.  He is famous for his "rock on" look (throwing the horns) and at this point in his life plans to be a rock-n-roll drumming store owning doctor police officer.  You gotta love a kid with ambition!

So that is our kids in a nut shell...each of them terrific, each of them a pain in the ass, lol...but they are ours and we love them all.  We may have turned more gray, lost much sleep and stressed on a few pounds here and there over them, but that is life and we are ALL a work in progress.  


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