Sunday, January 8, 2012

He's Got Jokes!

Well, some how I managed to delete my post from Friday let me try this again!  

We have scheduled plans that we follow out just about every week.  Thursdays are date night, no kids, just the parents.  And kids are only allowed to call for emergencies, (and they always call at least once, lol...and it is NOT an emergency).  Our night consists of going to dinner, preferably somewhere where you do not order your food through a microphone.  And a place where you are served and do not bus your own table.  After that, being the rebels that we are we head off to the library!  We might even stay there a couple of hours, its quiet there!  We might log on to the computers or go over bills or discuss upcoming things, but it is our time! :)  Sometimes there is even a trip to Walmart or Target!  Hell yeah!

Next is Friday night dinner out with the family.  They think of it as a special treat, but actually it is just a night to not cook and clean, lol.  This Friday night was no exception.  Only two of the kids were home to go with us tonight, brats 2 and 4.  We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  It is nice to go to a place, be recognized by the management, greeted and socialized with.  And to top it off, he always brings brat 2 a huge bowl of salsa.  This is first and foremost GREAT customer service and second, it saves his staff the hassle of running to our table to refill brat 2's small dipping bowl every 5 seconds.  He literally inhales it!  He is a tall slender kid, but don't let that fool you!  He CAN eat you out of house and home!  He just applied for a job at this restaurant, lol.  

After dinner we are in car heading home, and brat 2 is sharing a story for his day and almost lets out a cuss word, lol.  Now mind you, he is nearly 18 and we as his parents do not have the cleanest vocabulary ourselves.  But he, like the rest of the kids have that respect and courtesy  towards us.  So, we make a joke about it and are having a little laugh when brat 4 pipes up and says, "I can't wait until I am old enough to cuss.  I have some great jokes to tell you!" WTF????  Hold it kid, what did you just say?  I kept my head forward, bit my tongue to not laugh and reminded him that he didn't need to worry about cussing, lol.  I know, I know, I should not be laughing about this, but I swear you had to be there!  Oh, the comic relief brat 4 brings to our lives...PRICELESS!


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