Monday, February 25, 2013

Snowpocalypse 2013

For those of you here in the Midwest that are shocked at the amount of snow we are getting, did you forget where we live?  Geez people!  It's winter, it snows, and we have been lucky the past couple of years.  And this second round, well it's Mother Nature's way of saying shut up pansies, shit happens!  With that being said, let me not forget to mention that I hate the snow, too.  I wish I lived in an area that didn't have harsh winters.  But I live here in the Midwest, always have, always will.  Therefore I have no reason to bitch about it. 

I think being prepared is a great thing, but some of you have gone way overboard!  I mean, it's a snow storm.  The sun will rise, the temps will go up and the snow will melt soon.  Road crews get the streets cleared and it's back to normal.  We're talking a day or 2.  So why in the hell are people buying out the stores like its the end of the world!  Seriously, did you really have to buy 6 gallons of milk, 8 loaves of bread and 10 dozen eggs?  And with the amount of cheese that was bought, I hope those people also bought some stool softeners! 

I have a great idea, for all of those people that complain that they have no time to clean and catch up on it now while you can!  Those isles were still full of products! Maybe you can straighten up closets, clean out the cabinets.  Or even go play in the snow with the kids, enjoy a snow day with them!.  Sledding is a fun, help a neighbor shovel out their driveway or sidewalks.  

My whole point to this rant was the over buying of groceries.  We ALWAYS do our weekly shopping on the weekends.  It was such an aggravating adventure, only half our list was even purchasable. There was NO reason to see empty shelves at the stores.  It made us laugh after we thought about it.  ALl of those people "stocking up" will be feeling the aggravation when all of that food goes bad and they never came close to using it all.  They bought so much that it left people without.  We are not procrastinators, we were there 48 hours before the storm is even thought to be entering the area.  It was just crazy!  I might have to go steal a damn chicken to just to get some eggs!  And I need eggs to make my own bread since it was all gone!  

We are going to wait until tomorrow when the storm hits and take our happy asses in our excellent running 4X4, driven very well by husband and finish our shopping.  We are buying what we normally would for the week, and at the end of the week we will do it all over again.  We have a strong gut feeling that this snow WILL melt and go away soon.  We also are fairly certain that we will NOT be trapped in our homes and forced to eat our pets and young to survive.  Call us crazy, but we will also not have a shit ton of wasted food go bad this week.  We will also be careful to not wipe out the stock, (unless there is a GREAT coupon deal going on!).

So fair well my fellow Midwesterners!  Guard your livestock from thieves, hide your food fortunes well, batten down the hatches, board up the windows and doors and brace yourself for a huge amount of snow.  And in 2 days or less...enjoy watching it all melt away.  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Other Peoples' Kids

This weekend marks a VERY joyous occasion for our family!  The neighbors with the annoying kids are MOVING!!!!  YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!  I cannot begin to tell you how happy we are!  I actually think the entire neighborhood is thrilled.  These kids are on enough meds to keep a pharmacy in operation with their business alone.  Honestly, I don't think they really need them all, but not really my place to say something like, "why don't you try actually raising your kids.  You know, pay attention to them, use discipline when needed, set rules and stick with them...and not hoping a pill will make them behave." But that's just my thoughts...

This would be perfect example of what the 2 youngest act like ALL the time.  We don't have a fence and they seem to think our backyard, more specifically 8 feet from our back door is a good place to hang out and a walk through...they like to shout at each other, fight and so on.  They have one volume. LOUD!

The dad (not the biological dad of any of them, kudos to him for at least stepping up to be a dad, just too bad he is not really a good one), is a part time umpire.  He is about 100 over weight, and a total goober.  Being an ump must make him great at all sports, or so he thinks.  I guess he thinks it makes him moncho?  Once in a while when he wants to make himself look like a real parent he will toss the ball around with them, using mostly our backyard.  They have too many trees I guess?  When ever an issue arises with one of their kids, the dad goes into describing how his boys can kick some ass...well guess what Chubby?  I can kick your fat ass!  Now what?!   He blames their misbehavior on "anger issues" to excuse it.  Never once is it ever fixed.

The mom is not any better.  She knows everything about everyone in the neighborhood.  She knows that we are paying too much for our place (LOL) and that all of the neighbors are horrible to her children.  When an issue arises that needs to be discussed about her kids, she will say, "Get on to them!  If you see them acting up just go for it, tell them to straighten up!  Scare the hell out of them!"  Well, honey...THAT IS YOUR JOB!  I have my own kids to raise, I sure as hell do not want to raise yours!  She is a yeller and the whole damn neighborhood can hear her.  It must be where the kids get their volume issues from.  

They like to leave their toys, sports equipment and such in our yard often.  Once in a while, when it is nice and dark outside those items "disappear".  It obviously doesn't teach them much of a lesson since the habit continues, but it fills us with satisfaction to a point, lol.  They really have no idea what the leash law is, or how to clean up after their own dog.  She was actually a smart dog, she never shit it in her own yard, she always left that for us to clean up.  

The younger boys had sticky fingers, you know they kind that bring things home they "find", like the steering wheel from the playground jungle gym, things like that. There is nothing like glancing out of your own window and into your own yard and seeing them staring back at you.  They creeped me out on a regular basis.  I would be appalled if my kids were to have done that, it's just weird!  They would just pop out from behind our vehicles when we were backing out of driveway, that was a safe practice!  They claimed they were just cutting through, but whatever. 

Their oldest son is a bit strange to say the least.  He seems fully functional, not delayed at all, but just very odd.  He often walks around the neighborhood with a bandana tied around his face, just covering his mouth, kind of reminds me of the old cowboy style bandits, lol.  He was actually the most polite, and sadly not there all the time.  He'd spend every other week with his dad.  It seems we know a lot about them, but that is not because we are nosy, they are just very much habitual over-sharers.     

Well, there it is...I got it off of my chest.  They are leaving, and sorry to say they will not be missed.  I wish them well, no...really!  I do!  Stop laughing!   I hope that they mature a bit and make a better impression in the new 'hood and have great neighbors!  And I hope that my next neighbors are really great or childless!   Here's to peace in our little utopia!

The Gay Boob and the Ass

Catchy title, huh?  Let me explain...we bought our youngest son a tablet, (Google Nexus, awesome!) not too long ago. Being the youngest of 4 (teens and adults), he always had envy of the older kids' electronics.  We didn't want to get him his own game system like the 2 boys.  He didn't need a fancy "I" product of any type.  He loved the features on our phones, (which are all Google based), so the tablet was the perfect choice! 

Even at the age of 8, the video game bug has bitten him.  He likes the game Minecraft.  He has to earn his game time, but he does well with it.  His other favorite thing to do with tablet time is watch various videos on Youtube.  That usually consists of videos about mind craft, cartoons and a few videos about pranksters   All innocent stuff that is done in front of us. 

Since today was President's Day he didn't have school and stayed home with his brother.  Around lunch time I got a call asking if he could get on his tablet for a bit.  I figured, why not?  He has been good, he is bored hanging with his brother, no harm, no foul.  I ate my lunch and afterwards I was going to show my coworker a funny video my husband put up on Youtube.  I brought it up on my phone and before I could get to the video I wanted to show her, I see where my youngest has "commented" on a video.  He has NEVER done that before and I clicked on it to check it out...WOW!  

I had to excuse myself from my coworker and go further check out what I was reading here.  Now mind you, it was NOT anything horrible, but it WAS posted by my 8 year old son!  The first video was from a popular Youtube couple that I will not mention their names.  They have been deleted from my son's account, lol.  It was not a bad thing, in fact they mentioned pranks in their title, so that must be why Youtube returned it in the search results.  In the video they were discussing zombie names from a online generator and the lady's came back as "Boob eater", the guy was Gay something.  So, my young, sweet and innocent 8 year old thought it would be cute to combine their names since he thought "boob eater" was gross.  He typed a simple comment, 2 words that made me flip..."Gay Boob".

Now I am sure he my son didn't mean it as an insult to anyone, not at all.  He knows what gay means, he knows what boob means.  And thanks goodness at 8, boobs are still gross, lmao!   It doesn't lessen the shock of seeing that typed out from my son's alias, (he is not allowed to use his real name online).  I called him, told him to put the tablet away, told him I saw the comment and I was not happy.  He instantly cried, claimed to understand my anger and hung up to go read a book.  I then called my husband and told him the story.  After he finally quit laughing, he decided that we really didn't set up the clearest of rules for him on the tablet.  He was usually on it around us, we hadn't needed to, until today.

I calmed down, called my son back and explained to him that it was not appropiate to use that word at his age or on the internet.  I told him we would talk about it when we got home from work.  In the middle of talking about it, my husband sends me a text that he saw another post from our son.  OMG...really child?!  Yes, again it was not age appropriate.  This one was on a vlog for the same couple, and they had shown a shot of hairy legs, clearly belonging to the man in the video.  Jokingly someone commented how hairy the girl's legs were, lol.  I guess it upset my son and he replied to this guy, "It his leg, ass".  I had to reread it several times and actually ask him what it meant, (it was before I saw the video.

It sounds horrible to say my 8 year old called a grown up an ass on Youtube, it makes it sound like we are horrible parents.  Honestly, we do use cuss words, he hears them, (don't judge) and he knows better than to use them himself.  Or at least we thought!  The funny thing, (yes...there is a funny part of this), I am not sure he meant it as an insult.  It would seem that way.  I sure thought so at first.  But as read the page, everyone was using this word.  Actually quiet a few people were calling others an ass.  Not that it makes it right by any mean, but he thought it was part of joke and was following along with everyone else.  I did have the urge to use my mother's famous line of "if all your friends jumped off a bridge...", but I refrained.  

To sum it up, my son was very embarrassed.  We checked his account activity very well and today was the first and only day he had ever commented on there.  It was also the last for a VERY long time.  He felt bad, and I don't think he thought it was visible by everyone.  He learned a valuable lesson, as did we.  We questioned our parenting for a few moments and then we were over it.  Lessons taught, lessons learned.  No one ever said raising kids was easy!!!!  I love my family!