First let me just say, I love ALL of my kids...even the ones that act like assholes. Yep, you read that right!
You were thinking it, I just said it. Hell I was thinking it too! It's true, especially the older ones. Oh the joys of parenthood! It is such an extreme, ranging from being so proud one moment to wanting to gnaw your own arm off to get away to next. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids more than life itself, but some days are really a true test of strength, sanity and your ability to cope with pure ciaos.
The good thing is that right now, only 2 of the 4 kids are pains. I have questioned and judged my own parenting abilities after dealing with them, and I have come to this conclusion...they are just being assholes. Cruel you say? How could a parent say that about their own child you say? Well, live with them, deal with their antics and then you tell me. Trust me, calling them assholes is actually a nicer alternative.
Its really not as bad as it sounds. An asshole is simply someone who disrupts the generally tranquil nature of a certain situation or place. They can also be a rude, selfish and/or offensive person. So see, I have just described the majority of the world. We can all be assholes from time to time, but 2 of these kids are pushing their limits! Much like a lot of kids do. But what is a parent who has tried everything to do? You buckle up and hold's gonna be a bumpy ride.
For the most part they are not doing anything that the majority of others kids don't do or things we haven't done ourselves at those ages. It is just amplified and extreme at times. At some point you just hope there is a cut off point where it all stops. You pray for it, you live for it! You want to protect them from doing wrong, you want them to grow up happy healthy and hopefully fully can only do so much.
I pray that all of my kids grow up to be spectacular adults who strive to improve their very existence at every given moment. But hell, let's get realistic. I want them to finish college, get a job that pays better than average and remember to call their mother once in a while! I want them happy, healthy and full of the knowledge that no matter how much of an asshole they were in their teen/young adult years that they are still loved and cared for, barely, but they are. Is that too much to ask for?
So, before you plan your revenge and before you sever all ties to them, just remember...being an asshole is NOT always a permanent thing. They are capable of change, not all of them, but most. There will be a few of you that are unlucky, God bless you, you are in my prayers. For those who have the ones that turn around and become productive and semi proper members of society, count your blessings. And secretly hope that their kids give them a dose of what you dealt with!
I am holding out for the turn around and hoping the other two never start...until next time, peace, love and sanity.