Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bragging Rights...

I cannot tell you how many times I hear my coworkers bragging about how cute their kids are, what cute little things they say when dancing around or playing on a play date and how well they did in 3 year old soccer, and blah blah blah blah.  Then here I am...OK, it is my turn to brag, so here it goes, "My 7 year old out burped my 19 year old.  It was so loud it shook the living room windows!"  Whew!!!!  Top that one ladies!  Oh wait, I shared a cute story, so why are they all looking at me like that?  

Of course we all come from different backgrounds, and there are a few different "money classes", but when you break it down, we are all on the same level.  We all get along and share stories and laugh together, except when it comes to kids.  It seems to be like a "my kid is better than your kid" type of thing.  And they try to make themselves sound like the perfect parent.  Well here it goes, I will be the first to admit it, "I am NOT a perfect parent!"  That just took a load off of my shoulders!  Perfect by definition: completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such combination as possible.  <----that folks, is not me, and I wouldn't want that!  What fun would that be?

I happen to be a very proud momma, and I love my kids very much.  I brag on them whenever possible.  It just seems that my bragging might be a little too much real world compared to my coworkers.  I am not ashamed, embarrassed or too proud to share some of the silly things or what some of my coworkers seem to think it too taboo to discuss.  For example, has your kid ever cussed, (on accident or purpose, lol)?  Mine have...every single one of them!  

Not that I am proud of it, but you have to laugh sometimes about it.  Here is my oldest son was about 3, he had gotten in trouble for something and I told him to stand in the corner.  Very quietly I thought I heard him say something like "damn it"...I asked him what he said, he said "nothing".  Then a few seconds later, I heard it again, only a little bit louder, "damn it". I immediately asked him again, "What did you say?"  He turned and looked at me, with a very puzzled look on his face and said, "Nothing".  I was thinking to myself, how dare you lie like this! He turned his face away and then once again I heard it, I knew it!  I remember saying, "Why did you say that?  That is a bad word!"  He looked up at me, still puzzled and said, "I didn't see you."  Now I was puzzled.  And asked what he meant.  He seemed to think that if he didn't see my face, that I couldn't hear him, lol.  He was mad that he was in time out, hence the "damn it".  Now I know that it is not appropriate for a 3 year old to say that, but DAMN IT, the context was right on the money! lol  Don't worry, I did not condone it, and he was told him that it was not nice to say that.  Afterwards, I went to the bathroom and laughed so hard I cried.

There are inappropriate things everywhere you go, and you cannot shield your child from it all.  I am not overly cautious and so strict that my kids never heard bad words or phrases as young children.  With that said, I was not shouting out cuss words with every sentence I spoke.  But occasionally they would slip and it was not a shock for them to hear it.  It was also a good learning moment, lol..."don't say that just because Mommy did".  And you know what, my kids respect that at home.  

Like I previously stated in my blog, I am not your normal everyday mom...but maybe I should be.  By that, I do not mean I should change one bit, but maybe others could take a lesson from me.  I think that a lot of parents are in some ways like me, they just won't admit it...and the rest of them are not ready for my type of parenting, lol.  

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