The dad (not the biological dad of any of them, kudos to him for at least stepping up to be a dad, just too bad he is not really a good one), is a part time umpire. He is about 100 over weight, and a total goober. Being an ump must make him great at all sports, or so he thinks. I guess he thinks it makes him moncho? Once in a while when he wants to make himself look like a real parent he will toss the ball around with them, using mostly our backyard. They have too many trees I guess? When ever an issue arises with one of their kids, the dad goes into describing how his boys can kick some ass...well guess what Chubby? I can kick your fat ass! Now what?! He blames their misbehavior on "anger issues" to excuse it. Never once is it ever fixed.
The mom is not any better. She knows everything about everyone in the neighborhood. She knows that we are paying too much for our place (LOL) and that all of the neighbors are horrible to her children. When an issue arises that needs to be discussed about her kids, she will say, "Get on to them! If you see them acting up just go for it, tell them to straighten up! Scare the hell out of them!" Well, honey...THAT IS YOUR JOB! I have my own kids to raise, I sure as hell do not want to raise yours! She is a yeller and the whole damn neighborhood can hear her. It must be where the kids get their volume issues from.
They like to leave their toys, sports equipment and such in our yard often. Once in a while, when it is nice and dark outside those items "disappear". It obviously doesn't teach them much of a lesson since the habit continues, but it fills us with satisfaction to a point, lol. They really have no idea what the leash law is, or how to clean up after their own dog. She was actually a smart dog, she never shit it in her own yard, she always left that for us to clean up.
Their oldest son is a bit strange to say the least. He seems fully functional, not delayed at all, but just very odd. He often walks around the neighborhood with a bandana tied around his face, just covering his mouth, kind of reminds me of the old cowboy style bandits, lol. He was actually the most polite, and sadly not there all the time. He'd spend every other week with his dad. It seems we know a lot about them, but that is not because we are nosy, they are just very much habitual over-sharers.
Well, there it is...I got it off of my chest. They are leaving, and sorry to say they will not be missed. I wish them well, no...really! I do! Stop laughing! I hope that they mature a bit and make a better impression in the new 'hood and have great neighbors! And I hope that my next neighbors are really great or childless! Here's to peace in our little utopia!
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